Mirapakay (2010) Mp3 Songs Download Harish Shankar who had directed ‘Shock’ earlier, reportedly approached Pawan Kalyan with a subject and some how the project failed to materialize as the hero declined to do the movie. The director left the script at Parameswara Arts office. But the producer Ganeshbabu did not want to give up the project and made some changes and met Raviteja. Soon after listening to the story, Raviteja gave his nod and not only that he also made the director to find a producer to give his story a shape. Ramesh Puppala came forward to produce the film. The shooting of the entire film is almost over and the climax is now being shot in Bangkok. In order to suit the mass image of Raviteja, the title of the film was changed from ‘Romantic Rushi’ to ‘Mirapakai’. Deeksha Seth of ‘Vedam’- fame and Richa Gangopadhyay of Leader-fame are playing opposite to Ravi Teja.
Movie cast : Ravi Teja, Richa Gangopadhyay
Film Director: Harish Shankar
Producer: Ramesh Pushpala
Music : Thaman S
Year : 2010
Here is the track list of Mirapakay Telugu Songs
01. Adhigora Choodu
Raviteja, Karthik, Rahul Nambiar, Allap Raju & Ranjith
MF:- 128kbps | 320kbps
02. Chirugaley
Rita, Megha, Janani, Vardhini, Ranith, Naveen Madhav
MF:- 128kbps | 320kbps
03. Dhinaku Dhin Jiya
Shankar Mahadevan, Shreya Ghoshal
MF:- 128kbps | 320kbps
04. Gadhithalupula
Karthik, Geetha Madhuri
MF:- 128kbps | 320kbps
05. Mirapakai
Ranjth, Rita
MF:- 128kbps | 320kbps
06. Silakaaa
Rahul Nambiar, Chitra
MF:- 128kbps | 320kbps
07. Vaishali Vaishali
MF:- 128kbps | 320kbps
All Mirapakay Movie Songs In One Single File:
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"If u have Money...!! please " Buy Original copy of the CD"
Deeksha Seth and Richa Gangopadhyay Super Hot Photos
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